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Showing 1-10 of 5488 profiles

Jørgen Kragh Jakobsen

Mixed mode IC designer and architect - 25 years in startups and large corp. Audio, RF, Digital Backend flow, Design management systems. Analog design Cont and switch cap. circuits low power, oscillator and PLL systems. Digital synth, place and route, timing, DFT, tapeout.



Area of Expertise


tr narahari

Senior Vice president at Signoff Semi

Area of Expertise

Business: Design Services

Khemarat Boonyapaluk

A CS/CE undergrad at Brown University


C/C++  Eagle CAD  Python  Verilog 

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student
Showing 1-10 of 5488 profiles
Showing 51-53 of 53 companies

Stanford University

Country: United States of America


Ngspice Developer Community

Country: United States of America

Placeholder waiting for owners

Battelle Memorial Institute

Country: United States of America

Every day, the people of Battelle apply science and technology to solving what matters most. At major technology centers and national laboratories around the world, Battelle conducts research and development, designs and manufactures products, and delivers critical services for government and commercial customers. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio since its founding in 1929, Battelle serves the national security, health and life sciences, and energy and environmental industries. 

Showing 51-53 of 53 companies