davidsimonetti /  Mini_RSA_Encryption

Maintained by davidsimonetti
Our project performs an RSA encryption of an 8-byte input and output the result. The public key used for encryption can also be changed.
Members 4
David-Simonetti-ND committed 5 months ago

GF180 RSA Encryption Project

Authors: David Simonetti, Thomas Mercurio, Brooke Mackey Email: dsimone2@nd.edu, tmercuri@nd.edu, bmackey@nd.edu Push Date: 12/9/2023

CSE 30342 - Digital Integrated Circuits - University of Notre Dame

Goal: Our project performs an RSA encryption of an 8-byte input, with changable public key values.

Encryption Process

This process occurs outside of the circuit. The values that result from this process can be fed into the chip in order to set the public encryption key.

1) Generate the Public Key - We must find two values: n and e - n: the product of two prime numbers (the larger the better, but n must fit in 13 bits) - We used p = 53 and q = 61 where n = p * q = 3233. - e: to find e... - Compute the Carmichael's Totient Function of the product as λ(n) = lcm(p − 1, q − 1). - λ(n) = lcm(p − 1, q − 1) = λ(3233) = lcm(53 − 1, 61 − 1) = 780 - Choose any number 2 < e < 780 that is coprime to 780. - We used e = 17.

2) Generate the Private Key

- d: to find d...
    - Compute the modular multiplicative inverse of e (mod λ(n)) = 17 (mod λ(3233)).
    - d = 413 because 1 = (17 * 413) mod 780

3) Encryption Function

The encryption function for the input data (x) and encrypted output (y) is y = x^e mod n.

4) Decryption Function

The encryption function for the input data (x) and encrypted output (y) is y = x^d mod n.

Our Project

In order to perform RSA encryption, we have have a 5 state finite state machine (FSM), and two additional states allow a user to change the values of n and e. The job of the finite state machine is to peform the above encryption algorithm without losing data to integer overflow. Based on the input_data_type, a user can choose which operation they would like to perform.

The finite state machine in the controller to perform the encryption is as follows:

State 1: WAITING

- In the waiting state, the FSM will only transition out of the state when an operation is chosen by the user.
- If the input_data_type is 1 (DATA_INPUT), the FSM will transition to INITIALIZE to begin the encryption process.
- If the input_data_type is 2 (N_INPUT), the FSM will transition to UPDATE_N. This allows updating the part of the public key stored on the circuit.
- If the input_data_type is 3 (E_INPUT), the FSM will transition to UPDATE_E. This allows updating the part of the public key stored on the circuit.


- The initialize flag is set to 1, which signals to the datapath to store the data input, initialize a temporary value to x to help calculate x^e, and initialize iterations_left to e.
- If is_init_done, which checks if the number of iterations left is equal to e, is true, then the FSM will transition to MULTIPLY.
    - When the number of iterations left is equal to e, this means that the encryption process is at the very start because the multiply operation will be performed e times to get the value x^e.
- If not, then the FSM will remain in the INITIALIZE state.


- If is_multiplication_done, which checks if the number of iterations left is equal to 1, is true, then the FSM will transition to DONE.
- If not, then the flag en_multiply is set to 1, which signals to the datapath to multiply the temporary variable by x again, and the FSM will transition to MODULO.

State 4: MODULO

- The FSM will stay in this state until we have performed a whole mod operation, which may take many cycles.
- While the en_modulo flag is set to 1, the datapath will subtract temporary variable by n until it is less then n, and the FSM transitions to MULTIPLY.

State 5: DONE

- The done flag is set to 1, which signals to the datapath to store the temporary variable in the output variable, and the FSM transitions to WAITING. The encrypted value is now safe to be real off of the output pins.

State 6: UPDATE_E

- The update_e flag is set to 1, which signals to the datapath to store the input in the e variable, and the FSM transitions to WAITING.

State 7: UPDATE_N

- The update_n flag is set to 1, which signals to the datapath to store the input in the n variable, and the FSM transitions to WAITING.


The tutorials for setting up this flow...

1) Setting up the EFabless Environment - https://github.com/mmorri22/cse30342/blob/main/Resources/Final%20Project%20-%20Setup.ipynb

2) Running through the Project, including how to map the Verilog to user_proj_example.v, and how to map the user_proj_example module to the user_project_wrapper. Finally, the student learns how to push the project to the EFabless GitHub repository, and how to perform MPW and Tapeout Checks - https://github.com/mmorri22/cse30342/blob/main/Resources/Final%20Project%20-%20Implementation.ipynb