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Dual Channel 32-bit PWM Generator


A dual channel 32-bit PWM generator with a clock divider and support for both Edge and Center Alignment Modes.

The generator comes with bus wrapper for AHB lite, APB and WB (classic) buses.

General Information

  • Maturity: Integrated
  • Certification: EF Certified
  • Provider: Efabless
  • License: Open Source
  • Category: Pulse Width Modulation
  • Foundry: N/A
  • Node: N/A
  • PDK: Soft IP


You can either clone repo or use IPM which is an open-source IPs Package Manager

  • To clone repo: git clone https://github.com/efabless/EF_PWM32.git
  • To download via IPM , follow installation guides here then run ipm install EF_PWM32


The PWM module is capable of producing two PWM signals on pwmA and pwmB ports. The PWM signals are generated out of a 32-bit counter which is compared to the values cmpA and cmpB. The counter has two modes of operation:

  • Mode 1 (Up/Down counting): from 0 to top then back to 0
  • Mode 0 (Up counting): from 0 to top

There 6 events (e0 to e5) while in mode 1. Four of these 6 events are available in mode 0. Each of the PWM ports can be configured to perform different actions at each one of the events. The actions are:

  • Change to high
  • Change to low
  • Toggle/Invert
  • No Change


There is a clock divider that can divide the system clock by 2, 4, 8 or 16. the output of this clock divider is used to clock the counter.


Port name Direction Size Description
clk input 1 Clock
rst_n input 1 Active low reset
pwmA output 1 PWM Channel A out pins
pwmB output 1 PWM Channel B out pins
cmpA input 32 Channel A Compare
cmpB input 32 Channel B Compare
top input 32 Counter top value
clkdiv input 4 Clock Divider:
- 0001 : 1/2
- 0010 : 1/4
- 0100 : 1/8
- 1000 : 1/16
cntr_mode input 1 1 - up/down
0 - Down
enA input 1 Channel A enable
enB input 1 Channel B enable
en input 1 PWM enable
invA input 1 Invert channel A
invB input 1 Invert channel B
pwmA_e0a input 2 Channel A: Action‡ for Counter is 0 event
pwmA_e1a input 2 Channel A: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpA going up event
pwmA_e2a input 2 Channel A: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpB going up event
pwmA_e3a input 2 Channel A: Action‡ for Counter is matching top event
pwmA_e4a input 2 Channel A: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpB going down event
pwmA_e5a input 2 Channel A: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpA going down event
pwmB_e0a input 2 Channel B: Action‡ for Counter is 0 event
pwmB_e1a input 2 Channel B: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpA going up event
pwmB_e2a input 2 Channel B: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpB going up event
pwmB_e3a input 2 Channel B: Action‡ for Counter is matching top event
pwmB_e4a input 2 Channel B: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpB going down event
pwmB_e5a input 2 Channel B: Action‡ for Counter is matching cmpA going down event

‡ 00:none, 01:high, 10:low, 11:invert

Bus Wrappers

AHB-Lite, APB and WB bus wrappers are provided.

I/O Registers

Register Size Mode Offset Reset Value Description
CMPA 32 RW 0x00 0x00000000 Compare A Register
CMPB 32 RW 0x04 0x00000000 Compare B Register
TOP 32 RW 0x08 0x00000000 Top Register
CLKDIV 4 RW 0x0C 0x00000000 Clock Divider:
0001 /2
0010 /4
0100 /8
1000 /16
CONTROL 6 RW 0x10 0x00000000 TControl Register:
0 : PWM Enable
1 : Channel A Enable
2 : Channel B enable
3 : Channel A Inversion
4 : Channel B Inversion
5: PWM counter mode (1:up/down, 0:Down)
GENA 12 RW 0x14 0x00000000 Gen A Action Register
divided into six 2-bit fields to specify an action for the six possible events. The actions are: 00: no change, 01:high, 10:low, 11:invert.
1-0: e0 (counter is zero)
3-2: e1 (counter is matching CMPA; up counting)
5-4: e2 (counter is matching CMPB; upcounting)
7-6: e3 (counter is matchinp top)
9-8: e4 (counter is matching CMPB; down counting)
11-10: e5 (counter is matching CMPA; down counting )
GENB 12 RW 0x18 0x00000000 Gen B Action Register
divided into six 2-bit fields to specify an action for the six possible events. The actions are: 00: no change, 01:high, 10:low, 11:invert.
1-0: e0 (counter is zero)
3-2: e1 (counter is matching CMPA; up counting)
5-4: e2 (counter is matching CMPB; upcounting)
7-6: e3 (counter is matchinp top)
9-8: e4 (counter is matching CMPB; down counting)
11-10: e5 (counter is matching CMPA; down counting )


Catalog ID







Power Module

Price & Licensing



License Type

Open Source



EF Certified

