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2110C Shuttle Projects

SSCS Pico Chip 3 public

Luís Henrique Rodovalho Moreira de Lima

SSCS Pico Chip with an Analog Front End for Biosignals, Digitally Programmable Gain Amplifier,...

SSCS PICO Chip 6 public

Mauricio Alejandro Montanares Sepúlveda

The project is oriented to implement a multichannel signal path for ultrasonic air-coupled sonar...

SSCS PICO Chip 4 public

Jared Marchant

https://efabless.com/projects/342 https://efabless.com/projects/340 https://efabless.com/projects/312

SSCS PICO Chip 1 public

hamza atiq | http://isb.nu.edu.pk/rfcs2/

This submission is a merger of the following SSCS PICO...

SSCS PICO Chip2 public

Ramakrishna P.V.

This submission is a merger of the following SSCS PICO projects: 1....

Lea_Project_Public public


Picking up where Lea left off

Telluride-Neuromo... public

Andreas G. Andreou | http://andreoulab.net

An auditory perception acoustic front end with multi-channel capability and standard digital...

VCO-based ADC public

Duy-Hieu Bui | http://iti.vnu.edu.vn/

This project implements a VCO-Based ADC on skywater 130nm for IoT. This is a sigma-delta ADC...

SSCS PICO Chip 5 public

Omiya Hassan

This submission is a merger of the following SSCS PICO Projects. 1. DeepSAC for Sleep apnea...