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2206Q Shuttle Projects

Grapevine public

Priyanka Dilip

Grapevine: An Asynchronous Numerical Interpolator using Sparse Grids

VSCPU3x public

Burak Yakup Çakar

VSCPU3x is a programmable system with 3 VSCPU cores and 24 kB SRAM.

Test_EE372 public


A test

aloe_sky130 public

Xingyu Ni

aloe-sky130 is an analog PnR automation tool based on ALOE architecture using skywater-130nm...

test public

Md Tanvir Arafin


Fast ANN Fieldious public

Jake Ke

Fast ANN Fieldious is a hardware accelerator for approximate nearest neighbor fields (ANN).

CLEAR v2 public

Jeff DiCorpo

Updated layout for CLEAR


Mehdi Saligane

This a secure RoT inspired by the OpenTitan design. The chips will be used to do a differential...

aloe-sky130 public

Yueting Li

aloe-sky130 is an analog PnR automation tool based on ALOE architecture using skywater-130nm...

Grapevine public

Leo Liu

An Asynchronous Numerical Accelerator Using Sparse Grids.

Riscduino-DCore(D2) public

Dinesh Annayya

Riscduino is a Dual 32 bit RISC V based SOC design pin compatible to arduino platform and this...

counter_lite public

Vaibhav Vishwakarama

Picrorv322 based counter

Kairos public

Chris Calloway

kairos fixed


Mehdi Saligane

This project contains the first version of a recursive SAR DCDC based PMU targeting secure and...

UCSC OpenRAM Test-Chip... public

Muhammad Hadir Khan | https://vlsida.soe.ucsc.edu/

This testchip contains various OpenRAM generated SRAM macros for testing.

OpenEnclave public

Ian MacFarlane

OpenEnclave is a basic BGV (homomorphic) encryption accelerator.

openPUF and aloe-sky130 public

Luke Sammarone

openPUF is an open source bistable ring PUF in sky130. aloe-sky130 is an analog PnR automation...

MSU EEGR 463 public

Md Tanvir Arafin

MSU EEGR 463 submission

ECE 5745 Class Tapeout public

Christopher Batten | https://www.csl.cornell.edu/courses/ece5745

ECE 5745 Class Tapeout

Test Chip public

Charles J Gantt

Copy of of 4tlr reram project

OpenPUF public

Jeff DiCorpo

Corrected soft errors for openPUF

TopmetalSe-A-Pixe... public

Xiaochen Ni | https://www.npl.washington.edu/

The TopmetalSe is a pixelated charge sensor in the Skywater 130nm process, designed for the...

12-bit 10-KSPS... public

Raymond Haoqin Yang

A 12-bit 10-KSPS IADC in SKY130 open-source PDK.

OpenEnclave public

Chris Michael Calloway

OpenEnclave for EE 372. Merged GDS version 11/3/2022

Grapevine public

Chris Michael Calloway

Grapevine for EE 372, updated for merged GDS

Fast ANN Fieldious public

Chris Michael Calloway | https://priyanka-raina.github.io/ee372-spring2022/

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Accelerator

Fast ANN public

Chris Calloway

Fast ANN merged

Grapevine public

Christopher Michael Calloway

Grapevine designed merged