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MPW-1 Shuttle Projects

Caravel-AES128 public

Michael Gielda | https://antmicro.com

A template SoC for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

Chameleon SoC public

M. Shalan | http://efabless.com

AHB-Lite based SoC for IBEX

Caravel Plus public

M. Shalan | http://efabless.com

Caravel management SoC attached to the largest possible SRAM that can fit the user's area.

Caravel_RISCV_OSU public

James Stine | https://vlsiarch.ecen.okstate.edu/

Caravel_RISCV_OSU is an implementation of a single-cycle RISC-V processor inside of the Caravel...

FWPayload public

Matthew Ballance | http://github.com/mballance

A simple RISC-V core+peripherals subsystem for the Google-sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

Skywater 130 Decred... public

Matt Aamold

Decred implementation of blake256r14 cryptomining SoC for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

multi project harness public

Matt Venn

multi project harness

Caravel public

Sylvain Munaut | https://github.com/PyFive-RISC-V

Peripherals tests for future SoC targeting Micro/Circuit Python

Analog_RF_MPW public

Affan Abbasi | https://www.linkedin.com/in/affanabbasi/

Analog & RF designs

crypto-accelerator-chip public

Anish Singhani

ASIC containing a combined AES128/256 accelerator core and a VGA graphics/game demo

Caravel_Astria_Testchip public

Astria Nur Irfansyah | http://www.its.ac.id

Test circuits consisting of synthesizable comparators for a stochastic ADC, to be submitted for...

Ghazi SoC public

Zain Rizwan Khan | http://merledupk.org

An SoC (System on a Chip) design for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

OpenTDC public

Tristan Gingold

Time to Data Converter with Fine Delay

Spectravel public

Vladimir Milovanović | www.novelic.com

A digital spectrometer SoC consisting of the SDF-FFT and its support circuitry.

linsorter public

Vladimir Milovanović | elektrotehnika.github.io

A digital linear insertion sorter accelerator.

Caravel-SOFA-HD public

Xifan Tang | https://sites.google.com/site/pegaillardon/home

SOFA-HD (Skywater Opensource FPGAs)

vdp-lite public

Dan Rodrigues | https://github.com/dan-rodrigues

VGA sprite generator for the SKY130 Open MPW shuttles.

Caravel-SOFA-CHD public

Xifan Tang | https://sites.google.com/site/pegaillardon/home

SOFA-CHD (Skywater Opensource FPGAs)

caravel_fulgor_opamp public

Diego Hernando | http://www.fundacionfulgor.org.ar/sitio/index.php

Operational amplifier (opamp) based on the Miller topology designed in Skywater SKY130 CMOS process.

rapcores public

Steve Kelly | http://rapcores.org

RAPcore motor and motion controller on the Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

Caravel public

Michael Stetzler

A 10 bit DAC and an analog neural network neuron.

MorphleLogic public

Merik Voswinkel | http://www.fiberhood.org

A test-wafer for testing Mophle Logic reconfigurable hardware for SKY130.

Caravel_sha3_256_... public

Jean Cyr | http://jeancyr.com

SHA-3 cryptomining SoC for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

RT-PseudoRNG public

Álvaro Jover Álvarez | https://www.upc.edu/en

A pseudo random number generator oriented towards random cache placement and replacement for...

Ibtida SoC public

Muhammad Hadir Khan | https://merledupk.org

System on a Chip built around a RISC-V based 5 stage pipelined core Buraq-Mini.

FPGA 250 public

Arya Reais-Parsi | https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs250/fa20/

UC Berkeley, CS250, Fall 2020. An embedded FPGA made by our class in 2 months. Uses 4x S-44 LUTs...

Caravel-QLSOFA-HD public

K.C. Yap | https://sites.google.com/site/pegaillardon/home

QLSOFA-HD (Skywater Opensource FPGAs)

Softshell public

Harrison Pham | https://harrisonpham.com/

Multicore MCU for implementing software defined peripherals.

DSP48 DAC public

Bittu N | none

A very simple design for the first SKY130 shuttle.

q-rib public

Dimitri del Marmol | https://github.com/0x01be

A template SoC for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

Caravel-OpenFPGA-EF public

Manar Abdelatty | http://efabless.com

A template SoC for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

Caravel public

M. Shalan | http://efabless.com

NFive32-Based SoC to validate several open-source projects and IPs.

Caravel_EL2_SoC public

Jeff DiCorpo

A template SoC for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130.

caravel_amsat_txrx_ic public

Thomas Parry | N/A

Amatuer Radio Satellite Transceiver (SKY130) - Caravel Submission

HS32Core public

Kevin Mack Baragona | https://github.com/hsc-latte

Open Source Hardware Processor

Microwatt public

Anton Blanchard | http://ibm.com

Microwatt 64 bit OpenPOWER core

Caravel_Fault_SPM public

Jeff DiCorpo

The repo contains SPM with DFT structure integrating with the Caravel chip. For the SPM/DFT...