The repo contains SPM with DFT structure integratin with the Caravel chip. For the SPM/DFT insertion, refer to Fault SPM
The SPM utilizes the caravel IO ports and logic analyzer probes. Refer to user_project_wrapper.v
Caravel-IO | SPM | Mode |
io[0] | tck | Input |
io[1] | tms | Input |
io[2] | tdi | Input |
io[4] | tdo | Output |
io[5] | trst | Input |
Caravel-LA | SPM | Mode |
la_data[31:0] | multiplicant | Input |
la_data[63:32] | multiplier | Input |
la_data[64] | start | Input |
la_data[65] | product_select | Output |
la_data[66] | done | Input |
la_data[127:96] | product | Input |
The repo contains SPM with DFT structure integrating with the Caravel chip. For the SPM/DFT insertion, refer to Fault SPM.