Mariana Huerta
A single-photon resolution color imager chip
Rowan Wysocki
The 7 segment LED to help understand the process for our next innovative project. - Rowan...
Dan Fiumara
A homemade wrist watch made by RPI students.
Venancio L Fuentes |
Basic Counter to BCD to 7 Segment Display
Sara N
7 seg LED
qingyang wu
this is a test;。
Sara N
Verifying users "Terms".
Lucas Abate
This is an exercise for HVCC students
cheng Li
Tomas Choi
Analog Precheck
Matt Venn
Zero to ASIC project 5.2 walkthrough
Jorge Marin
This submission is a merger of the following SSCS PICO...
Mudassir Ali |
This submission is a merger of the following SSCS PICO Projects....
William Salcedo |
This is a fixed point, pipelined, 8-point Fast Fast Fourier transform with SPI modules on both...
Matt Venn |
TinyTapeout is an educational project that makes it easier and cheaper than ever to get your...
Stefanos Kontogiannis
SSCS PICO CHIP 4 for team Greece, novel boost converter.
Ali Sabir |
This submission is a merger of the following SSCS PICO Projects. 1. DC-DC...
Andalib Nizam |
USA 5 group from University of Tennessee Knoxville designing an Electrochemical Sensor chip to...
Dr Mehdi Khan |
Design Artificial heart custom design IP
In this project, traffic light controller on a four-way road using a sensor is proposed. A...
Jeff DiCorpo
Demo project for NYDesign program.
Mauricio Alejandro Montanares Sepúlveda
Mix Pix project. Chile Team 1 Analog image processing interface
Janani Aravind
Radiation Hardened ALU
Micah Tseng
SSCS PICO CHIP 3 is a collaboration between teams Austria, Brazil, and USA1. The three designs...
Stefanos Kontogiannis
SSCS PICO CHIP 4 for team Greece, novel boost converter.