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Bitcoin Mining Asic (Old)
public project

Our team wanted to come together and produce an ASIC capable of undertaking the entire bitcoin mining process all by itself. In an age where cryto currency is becoming more and more popular diving into the the design side and getting to understand more of the process seemed really interesting to us. 


As a breif background for those not as familiar with the bitcoin mining process I reccoment looking at this article


Here is our state machine design which describes the process of how our ASIC achieves it's desired functionality. It makes use of the logic analyzer and certain flags to ensure that we move from one phase of the bitcoin mining process to the next. 

The input we describe is a 608 bit input blockchain header that excludes the nonce which we handle internally.


This image details a high level layout of our design within the Caravel harness.

project layout image
project layout image
Layout Image

This ASIC takes as an input the header of a Blockchain and outputs a valid 256bit hashed output to add to the blockchain.

