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Open SubGHz
public project

To enable ubiquitous IoT products, a flexible and powerful networking protocol is yet to be designed. Existing standards are not really capable of handling the data volumes expected in the next web revolution, since there are limitations in various layers of the communication stacks.

The design of new distributed networks need to touch every aspect of  wireless communication, from hardware to software. An open radio peripheral, that can adapt to new ideas and allow developers to design their own medium access and physical layers would allow vastly different setups to be designed.

This project aims to build such toolbox also building a generic RF frontend to be used as a peripheral for an Open-Source microcontroller with Sub-GHz interface.

On this first iteration, the project includes a Gilbert Cell Mixer and a Quadrature Voltage Controlled Oscilator. Both designs are optimized through automated python scripts and the shared ngspice library, allowing the calculation of main device parameters like gain, IIP3, noise and power consumption, followed by simulation data analysis and optimization using python scientific libraries.

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This project aims to provide basic blocks to build a low-power, low-cost RF interface capable of communicating in the SubGHz bands. The interface can then be used tu build a microcontroller peripheral structure, with focus in RISC-V.



