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Sudoku Accelerator
public project

This project contains two sudoku accelerator modules on a wishbone bus.

Each solver module is capable of performing both a simple 'only candidate' method, as well as finding row-only 'naked singles'.

A single 'only candidate' pass on the whole puzzle completes in 23 cycles, and a 'naked singles' pass completes in 108 cycles.

The solver will exit early during a run if the puzzle becomes solved, or if a single cell ends up with no remaining valid values (do note that this doesn't mean the solver can detect all illegal puzzles).

This design also contains a modified FIFO-enabled version of simpleuart (from caravel) to make external communication easier.

project layout image
project layout image
Layout Image
Andrea Nall

Sudoku accelerator module that is capable of running an 'only candidate' pass in 23 cycles and a 'naked singles' pass in 108 cycles.



