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"profiles" search for "interests": Open Source hardware

Number of Results: 4

TAKASU Masakazu

TAKASU Masakazu, Support Maker Faire Shenzhen and Singapore Maker carnival Shanghai and some event, takes us on a journey to his homeland of Japan and their exciting ways of using technology, design and science. He is the most experienced person of Maker Faire in Asia, now based in Shenzhen. He is also connected all around Makers, even in Asia and Japan.His company Switch Science is the most famous maker tool platform in Japan, and also DIY Indie product marketplace. Japanese DIY product grown so rapidly 20 percent per year. His Own book ECOSYSTEM BY MAKERS is well known in Japan, and He also translated 'the Hardware Hacker` book in Japanese and published. That book by Bunnie Huang, who is a world famous Hardware hacker. https://www.linkedin.com/in/takasumasakazu

Paul Schulz

Hobbiest and Dabbler in all things Electronics