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"profiles" search for "interests": Biomedical Circuits

Number of Results: 3

Rajkumar Kubendran

Assistant Professor. ECE. University of Pittsburgh. Interests: Neuromorphic and Biomedical Systems Design

Francisco Brito Filho

Electronic Engineer with experience in RF/AMS IC Design and other electronics and telecommunications projects. Served in working groups and also as leader. Has also experience in entrepreneurship. PhD in Microelectronics. Currently Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Semi-Árid Region - UFERSA and Head of LIEB/LAMERF Research Labs where develop R&D projects in the areas of instrumentation, biomedical engineering, RF/MW circuits and microelectronics.

Dmytro Kotov

IC design engineer at Renesas Electronics. Have background in analog design, layout; hands-on knowledge of digital design, synthesis, P&R.