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"profiles" search for "skills": kiCAD

Number of Results: 24

Fernando Leon

Electronics Engineer student at Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Sherif Eid

I like to make boards and other cool electronics


C/C++ Python kicad

Area of Expertise

Analog System-PCB


Electrical engineer, who likes to figure out new stuff

Aled Cuda

I'm a physics major studying at UC Berkeley interested in accelerating research and computational workloads with modern VLSI and FPGA tech.

Peter Gu

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Nate Cermak


Area of Expertise

System: Test Equipment

Anton Maurovic

A software developer, technology manager, and hardware tinkerer aspiring to imbue slices of crystals with intelligence.


University student into all things digital and fast.

Steven Conaway

Computer Engineering Student at the University of Notre Dame