im a student who want learn design VHDL
Silicon Design Engineer
semi retired, small startup for Medical (oncology/treatment) system, analog circuit designer, College Lecturer, Surfer&moto Rider.
Teacher/researcher at the Electronics Department (DEEC) of Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina
I'm an experienced Analog Mixed Signal IC design engineer with 20+ years of experience in Analog IC level design, analog system modeling, layout, and lab testing. Areas of expertise are SerDes, ADC, DAC, PLL, RF , Base Band, Band Gap, Opamps.
I am a professional hardware engineer. I have experience in the development and design of radio equipment and IoT devices. I only have textbook-level knowledge about the contents of semiconductors, so I wanted to have the experience of actually developing them. This project is very interesting. thank you.
Electrical engineer, who likes to figure out new stuff
I am a Master Degree holder in VLSI Design. I am interested in Analog Circuit Design.
MSEE, Instructor (teaching undergraduate electrical and general engineering coursework including Introduction to Integrated Circuit Design, mentoring for local Society of Women Engineers chapter)
I am an electronic hobbyist who enjoys building different electronic circuits and systems.
Students in Introduction to IC Design Course working on an Encryption design for a class project
Principle Engineer at efabless corporation
Professor in Electronics Engineering with a PhD. in VLSI (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata). Expertise in digital RTL and physical design. Experience in FPGA RTL and HLS design for heterogeneous computing. Knowledge in sub-threshold analog design. Fiction writer (National Literature Award for Novel, 2011, Costa Rica)
Research engineer and teaching assistant in microelectronic, microsystems and bioelectronic at the university of Liège, Belgium
Self-taught Electronic Engineer with a lot of experience in programming. I consider myself creative, analytical and dynamic, through my studies I have developed the ability to face and lead changes; I am interested and committed to continuous improvement in a globalized world, both professionally and personally. Being able to contribute what I have learned and add value, thus learning from the opportunities in today's working world.
Virginia Microelectronics Consortium (VMEC) Professor in the ECE Department at the University of Virginia
I am enthuastic engineer who has been doing software engineering (Linux kernel), electronics, and now chip designs. My day job is leading teams (senior director) focusing on virtualization and security.
Masters in "Integrated Circuits & Systems" focused on Analog / Mixed Signal System/ IC design
Still an entry-level electronic engineer. Absorbing and practising information and knowledge. Just for curiosity and fun.
Researcher and Professor at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Actual Research areas: microelectronics, embedded systems, Digital Signal Processing
Graduate research assistant at the University of Mississippi
My name is Andrew Jones and I recently graduated from Erie Community college with a certificate in the mechatronics field.
I am an electronics engineer from Montenegro, specializing in integrated electronics design and simulation. My greatest interest is in the field of analog ICs, especially applications in the medical field. Other interests are mathematics(dynamical systems foremost), physics simulations using numerical methods and so on. I also like to spend my spare time making a game engine in C++
Hardware Systems Architect at AroLeap
Engineer: Electronics, Software, Firmware, Applications, PCBs, Chips. Business owner, consultant.
I am a Graduate student pursuing my master's in Computer Engineering. I am interested in VLSI projects.
Microelectronics enthusiastic. Testing engineer at Mirgor Argentina SA and Researcher at National University of Technology Regional Buenos Aires.
Just another big dreaming engineer with a desire to learn silicon microfab
Analog design engineer with 3+ years of experience in the analog/ mixed signal design, verification and lab validation.
I am an Electrical and Computer Engineer. I run an engineering, design and manufacturing firm in Milpitas, CA. We design and manufacture various electronic products, including image sensors and image processing compute hardware.
I am a PhD. Telecommunication Engineer with 25 years of working experience in the industry. I started my career in 1997 as an IC Design Engineer, then I moved to other technical and management roles in the semiconductor and aerospace industries. Since 2017 I am also teaching IC Design at University for MsC. graduate students.
I am hager mohamad diff allh, from faculty of engineering-MINIA university (Electrical engineering department).
I am an Electronics Engineer now continuing my MS in electronics from COMSATS Abbottabad in Analogue Chip Design.
I have an expert in the PCB design area. I am interested for analog design and chip design
D Gracia Nirmala Rani received the B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Syed Ammal Engg College, Madurai, India, in 2004, and M.E. degree in VLSI Design from Karunya University, Coimbatore, India in 2007. She has awarded Ph.D. degree in VLSI Design from Anna University, Chennai India in 2014. She is working as an Associate Professor in Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai since 2007. She teaches courses on system/digital and analog electronic design and VLSI processor architectures. Currently, five research scholars are doing their research under her guidance. She has authored or co-authored 42 international journal and conference papers like IET Circuits, Systems and Devices, Spinger, Wiley and Elsevier Publications. Also she has published 3 Books/Book Chapter in Springer LNCS and CCIS Publications. She has filed 2 Patent in BioMedical Engineering Field. She has guided the B.E students’ project which won the India Cadence Design Contest Award 2017 and 2018 instituted by Cadence Design System Pvt Ltd, Bangalore. In 2018, she was the technical program chair of the 22nd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test. She is serving as a reviewer in IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, Elsevier and Inderscience Journals, respectively. Her research interests include RFIC Design, Physical Design Automation, Optimization Algorithms using Machine learning for IC and mixed signal circuits and systems for Bio-medical Devices.
electronic system designer / software and hardware engineer, embeded system expert, signal expert, proccess designer, researcher, Developer of complexity and reversal wantings. Reverse engineer. i addopt my whole life to this science. thank you for presentings of quantum, psych
Zhiyang Ong is a globetrotting, venturesome cultural chameleon tackling challenges related to U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, using a skill set that spans electrical engineering and computer science. He is a Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University's electrical & computer engineering department. He is currently working on noise-based logic and embedded deep learning, and had worked on problems in electronic design automation, VLSI formal verification, satisfiability modulo theories, network science (or complex systems), evolutionary computation, network optimization, and multi-objective optimization. He has also designed multiple VLSI circuits and systems, from SRAMs and processors to a Viterbi decoder and a tree adder. In his free time, he was recently working on solving the Quadratic Travelling Salesman Problem (QTSP) with his research collaborators, using an adiabatic quantum computer from D-Wave Systems.
Hi, I'm a student at UACJ and I like integrated circuit designs.
Engineering Electronic student of National University of Cordoba (UNC), Argentina. Active member of Robust Circuits and Systems Laboratory (LCSR), in exact and natural sciences faculty (FCEFyN).
Analogue Circuit Designer
Graduate equipped with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and communication with a concentration in Semiconductor and VLSI design with hands-on experience in CAD tools and to join a reputable organization to begin a fulfilling, lifelong career.
Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engr. Dept. Teaching and Research in Microelectronics. Teaching interests are in both discrete and integrated electronics, both for undergraduate electronics labs and projects and graduate integrated circuit design, verification, prototype, and test.
I am an electronic engineering student about to graduate from Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales in the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. As part of the supervised professional practices I'm working on analog design with free software tools and the efabless platform in the LCSR
Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember INDONESIA
I'm a Senior Researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Junior Faculty at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). I'm the recipient of the RISC-V Educator of the Year Award 2019, for the advanced graduate course Processor Design I'm teaching at UPC, which is focused on the design of high-performance safety-critical systems. I'm the PI of the GPU4S project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) in which we are investigating the applicability of embedded GPUs in space.
I am a professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). I'm interested on analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, as well as analog and digital electronics and microprocessors.
Gentlemen: I have a professional background in the automotive industry, working in production management, IT and logistics where I worked as a technician, supervisor, coordinator and manager, which allowed me the following experiences: 15 years in the automotive industry, managing production and industrial logistics, planning, scheduling and production control in serial and batch production lines. With experience in dimensioning, planning and implantation of a manufacturing unit with productive start and logistics transfer without production losses. 20 years in IT management, in a soft house in the implementation, parameterization and maintenance of ERP Management projects (programming, database and systems analysis), maintenance and specification of electrical equipment, materials and systems. 4 years ago I started working with maintenance of electronics, commercial, industrial equipment , hospital, motors and transformers. Study and implementation of projects in the electrical discipline for overhead and underground networks, electrical infrastructures in residential, commercial, industrial works and maintenance of equipment in the electronics laboratory. Research and development of Brain-Machine Interfaces. As a form of relaxation and leisure, I developed an aptitude for fine arts where I have worked as a draftsman, painter, sculptor and modeler for over 20 years. I have mastery of Project Management methodology, knowledge in several SAP systems, in addition to Advanced Office package
M. Pardo (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.S. degree in electronics engineering from Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, in 2002, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 2007 and 2012, respectively. He is currently an Electronics and Electrical Engineering Department Graduate Programs Coordinator with Universidad del Norte and leads the electronic analog design area. His research interests include the areas of oscillators, energy harvesters, and renewable energy systems.
Hi I'm a MASc Student at University of Toronto. My research focuses are FPGA architecture, DL Acceleration, Heterogenous devices and CAD tools.
I'm a Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant at Oregon State University.
FPGA/HW engineer
In the electronic age, privacy is our shield — allowing us to reveal ourselves by choice. As the musica universalis guides the universe in harmony, so should our creations. Let's ignite a new Renaissance, driven by humanism and curiosity, a harmonised future of automated world, echoed with the music of human potential. 一期一会
CSE Professor at the University of Notre Dame
Experience in the area of electrical engineering, with an emphasis on analog circuit design.
I am a Computer Engineer at the University of Notre Dame, with minors in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Corporate Engineering Practices. I enjoy working with assembly languages and at the circuit level.
I'm a starter, i don't sit down and wait for instructions, i have initiative to start and create solutions.
I work as an consultant through my company Nogito As. I make radio and microwave electronics including antennas and production ready mechanics/enclosures. I also work with embedded system design and enjoy writing code for small microcontrollers - typically used for various tasks like running PLLs, gain control, etc. The last 13 years I have been working with subsea instrumentation and have gained a lot of insight into the world of strange mechanical design for these systems. These are high performance systems with high degree of reliability and uptime.