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"profiles" search for "interests": GPU

Number of Results: 7

Hiroshi Heinai

I am a professional hardware engineer. I have experience in the development and design of radio equipment and IoT devices. I only have textbook-level knowledge about the contents of semiconductors, so I wanted to have the experience of actually developing them. This project is very interesting. thank you.

Dubravko Gacina

Embedded systems design engineer

Daniel Pacheco

I like to work with Lua and C as well Power ISA is my go to architecture.

Leonidas Kosmidis

I'm a Senior Researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Junior Faculty at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). I'm the recipient of the RISC-V Educator of the Year Award 2019, for the advanced graduate course Processor Design I'm teaching at UPC, which is focused on the design of high-performance safety-critical systems. I'm the PI of the GPU4S project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) in which we are investigating the applicability of embedded GPUs in space.

Rana Saad

A curious guy.



Area of Expertise

Business: Marketing