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"profiles" search for "interests": simulation

Number of Results: 10

Hiroshi Heinai

I am a professional hardware engineer. I have experience in the development and design of radio equipment and IoT devices. I only have textbook-level knowledge about the contents of semiconductors, so I wanted to have the experience of actually developing them. This project is very interesting. thank you.


Electrical engineer with PhD in micro-electronics, and more than 23 years experience in the automotive industry. Specialized in the development of CAD tools to support mixed-signal and smart-power IC design. Founder of SYDELITY b.v. a start-up company offering services and products accellerating system-level simulations.

Damjan Mustur

I am an electronics engineer from Montenegro, specializing in integrated electronics design and simulation. My greatest interest is in the field of analog ICs, especially applications in the medical field. Other interests are mathematics(dynamical systems foremost), physics simulations using numerical methods and so on. I also like to spend my spare time making a game engine in C++

Ignacio Herrera

I am a PhD. Telecommunication Engineer with 25 years of working experience in the industry. I started my career in 1997 as an IC Design Engineer, then I moved to other technical and management roles in the semiconductor and aerospace industries. Since 2017 I am also teaching IC Design at University for MsC. graduate students.

Suman Prasad Sah

I am a avid analog-RF mixed signal designer. Currently I am experimenting with novel design techniques using open-source tools.

Area of Expertise

Business: Design Services

Anand Rajgopalan

I am an electronics engineer.

Alejandro Silva Juárez

My research interests include systematic circuit synthesis techniques, modeling and simulation of linear and nonlinear circuits and systems, design and applications of fractional order chaotic oscillators, multi-objective optimization, evolutionary algorithms, and analog and mixed-signal design automation tools.

Area of Expertise

Digital: Synthesis

Carl L Brando

I graduated with a computer engineering BS/MS from the University of Maryland College park. I now work in industry at a medical device company.