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"profiles" search for "skills": vhdl

Number of Results: 859

Nicholas R. Smith

Cybersecurity nut, hardware hobbyist, nature enthusiast, amateur trumpet player. I also play World of Warcraft with my dad on the weekends.

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Arsenii Terekhov

Radio Signal Processing Enthusiast

Alexander Monakhov

10 years exp. ASIC development. MSU professor.

Takehisa Konda

semi retired, small startup for Medical (oncology/treatment) system, analog circuit designer, College Lecturer, Surfer&moto Rider.

Jorge Scandaliaris

Teacher/researcher at the Electronics Department (DEEC) of Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina

Fernando Leon

Electronics Engineer student at Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Klas Nordmark

Digital designer and embedded software developer. Experience from telecom and computer vision.

Fabien Marteau

FPGA expert, interested by opensource tools for FPGA and for ASIC

Area of Expertise

Business: Design Services

Saravanan Nanthakumar

I am a Master Degree holder in VLSI Design. I am interested in Analog Circuit Design.

Salman Sheikh

Senior Design Engineer at NASA-Goddard., Greenbelt, MD

Mahmoud Youssuf Ahmad

Graduate student of ECE department Ain Shams University, and Currently Master Student of ECE department Cairo University with major of Electronics design.

Martin Baudino

I am an Electronics Engineer with experience in IT Management, Firmware Development and Education. I spend my spare time looking for interesting projects and reading about technology trends.

Martin Simlastik

digital ASIC designer with 10+ yrs experience

Mohammed Essam Abd El Samee Soliman

I works as junior physical design engineer and I have passion in VLSI field specially in digital IC design. I have experience in writing RTL, test benches and in PnR flow.

Paulo Roberto Bueno de Carvalho

Paulo Roberto B. de Carvalho is a Hardware and Digital IC Design Engineer with 6-years experience in microelectronic area in Digital IC Design, with specialization in RTL design optimization for area and power reduction, Verification and Physical Implementation flow. He has 10-years experience in Application Engineering, technical consultant and semiconductors manufacture processes. He received his bachelor degree in materials, processes and electronic components technology at Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sao Paulo (FATEC-SP) in 2006. In 2011, he joined the Brazillian Federal Government IC Brazil Program of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), trained in Digital Systems Design area. He received his Master of Science degree in Electric Engineering with specialization in Microelectronic area on Integrated Systems Laboratory at Electrical Engineering Department of Polytechnic School of University of Sao Paulo in 2016.

Akram Selim


Verilog VHDL

Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL


Semiconductor professional with 40 years experience. I act as a technical consultant, design consultant, or architect for SoCs, embedded systems etc.

JBU IC Design Group 1

Students in Introduction to IC Design Course working on an Encryption design for a class project

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student


IP & SoC Verification Engineer

Jose T. de Sousa

José T. de Sousa holds a PhD degree from Imperial College London (1998) and has been a university lecturer and researcher at Lisbon University (1999-present). He holds 4 international patents, is co-author of one book, and was General Chair of the Field Programmable Logic and Applications Conference in 2013. Dr. de Sousa has published more than 70 technical papers in international journals and conferences. He was co-founder and CEO of Coreworks, a semiconductor intellectual property company, which he ran from 2001 to 2013. His specialties are digital circuit design, hardware/software architecture, technical team management and semiconductor IP marketing and sales.


I'm a PCB designer, wanting to learn new technologies like FPGA and ASIC. Designing my own chip is my dream.



Area of Expertise

System: PCB



C/C++ Matlab VHDL

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student


Analog circuit designer with passion in taking challenges .Interest in ADC,DAC,PLL,SDADC,LDO.Done layout of all these blocks.

J. Rodriguez

Mixed background in computer science, applied mathematics and electrical engineering. Expert in algorithms to custom core development, system architecture, integration and functional verification.

Vishal Prafulkumar Katigar

Trained in ASIC verification from Maven silicon Bengaluru Also having experience in embedded domain (PCB layout design)

Marco Merlin

Electronics Engineer with 10 years experience in microelectronics and research. Familiar with CMOS integrated circuits design, wireless communication systems, programming and lab environment, I am comfortable working for worldwide semiconductors firms. Passionate for high-tech and music, advocate for teamwork and collective intelligence to support a strong problem-solving methodology, I am curious, self-motivated, addicted to learning and re-shaping the new technologies I am exposed to. During my workday I aspire to address "real-life problems", hopefully continuing to develop my multi-disciplinary skills as a means for technical and personal enrichment.

Dejan Mirkovic

Electronics Engineer and Researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. Skilled in CAD/EDA tools for ASIC, PCB and FPGA design, scripting and programming. Education professional with a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering Nis, Serbia.

Shyam K


Verilog VHDL

Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL

Shilpa Prabhu

VLSI Design Engineer

Irfan Awan



Area of Expertise

Circuits: Microcontrollers

Eduardo Augusto da Costa

Eduardo is an Electrical Engineer engaged in hardware development with a true passion for developing and enhancing applications. While at university, he worked in a variety of projects, from VHDL in a SOC project, to a PCB for a power circuit, and even web interfaces for electronic devices network connected. He allies his technical background with great communication skills. He is used to and is passionate about working in diverse cultural environment as was his period as an international student in Japan. He also got a certification in in Digital Integrated Circuit Design and Project Flow with Cadence tools (IC Brazil Program). Currently he works at HT Micron, and is interested in positions related to chip design, hardware design, embedded software development and similar areas.

Bill Flynn

Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL

Hervé Pierre

Research engineer and teaching assistant in microelectronic, microsystems and bioelectronic at the university of Liège, Belgium

Punnu Jose Sebastian

A keen enthusiast of Si technologies

Khaled Zaki Ahmed Hussein

MSC in Electrical Engineering BSC in Electronics Two patents in mathematical software in Engineering design and digital signal processing utility box Undergo private research for commercial use in the areas of very high frequency analog and digital circuits

Arshad Hussain

Currently working as Assistant Professor, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Miguel Ramirez Fuentes

Self-taught Electronic Engineer with a lot of experience in programming. I consider myself creative, analytical and dynamic, through my studies I have developed the ability to face and lead changes; I am interested and committed to continuous improvement in a globalized world, both professionally and personally. Being able to contribute what I have learned and add value, thus learning from the opportunities in today's working world.

Ganesh Prasad B K

I am an electronics engineer currently working as an intern in STMicroelectronics.

Daniel Limbrick

I am currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T). As director of the Automated Design for Emerging Process Technologies (ADEPT) laboratory at NC A&T, I research the following questions: (1) how can we make computers more reliable in harsh environments (i.e., ionizing particles, malicious fault injection) and (2) how can we extend Moore’s law (e.g., 3D IC)? To answer these questions, he interrogates the traditional abstraction layers of integrated circuit design (i.e., functional description, circuit design, physical design) to discover design methodologies that are more relevant to these goals.

Lucas Martins Dias

Student at UFMG.


C/C++ Matlab VHDL

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Larry Pearlstein

ASIC architect and designer. Specialize in deep learning, video, image and signal processing, and compression. Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The College of New Jersey.

Gian Torres


C/C++ Python VHDL

Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL

Gavisiddesh Javali

Motivated master' Student with progressive experience in ASIC Design and a real passion for it. An energetic - self-starter and team builder. Navigates high-stress situations and achieves goals on time and under budget. Always believing in learning and solving the problem through Technology.

James Stine

Edward Joullian Endowed Chair in Engineering Oklahoma State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering VLSI Computer Architecture Research Group

Nishit Nathwani

I am a Master's student who has to know for learning and do experiments as well as for writing technical blogger. My website links are given below to connect with my open-source family of the VLSI champions. https://nishitnathwani.blogspot.com/ https://geniusvlsi.blogspot.com/

Ishan Acharyya



Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Martin Schoeberl



Area of Expertise

Academic: Research

David Bergeron



Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Ahmad Sadigh


Verilog VHDL

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Syed Azhar Ali Zaidi

I am an Assistant Professor in Electronics Dept. UET Taxila, Pakistan. I did my PhD from VLSI Lab Politecnico di Torino, Italy. My research interests are digital hardware implementation of Communication and DSP algorithms.

Nuh Nar

I just finished electrical and electronics engineering. I want to develop myself in the semiconductor field


Electrical engineer with PhD in micro-electronics, and more than 23 years experience in the automotive industry. Specialized in the development of CAD tools to support mixed-signal and smart-power IC design. Founder of SYDELITY b.v. a start-up company offering services and products accellerating system-level simulations.




Area of Expertise

Academic: Research

Siva Prasad

Hardware Design Engineer




Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL

Stephan Nolting



Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL

Priyanka Dutta

current Phd Student in UCSC Hardware System Collective group formerly worked in Qualcomm Wireless R&D team as a design verification engineer

Roman Gauchi

Roman Gauchi received the M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Polytech Grenoble, France in 2017 and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from CEA-LIST, Grenoble, and University of Grenoble Alpes, France in 2021. Dr. Gauchi is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Utah, since March 2021. His main research interests are emerging technologies and reconfigurable architectures, digital integrated circuit design and embedded software.

Jung Jaemin


Verilog VHDL

Area of Expertise

Digital: RTL

Christo van Tubbergh

Graduate engineer with FPGA and Analog design experience


Kashif Inayat currently working as a doctorate fellow researcher at System-on-Chips (SoC) Laboratory, Electronics Engineering Department of Incheon National University, South Korea. He considers himself fortunate to have the opportunity to work under Prof. Jaeyong Chung at Incheon National University. Prior to starting his Ph.D., he completed his Master of Science in Electronics and Computer Engineering (ECE) from graduate school, Hongik University in 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Seong Oun Hwang. Moreover, during MS studies he worked at Information Security and Machine Learning Lab, Hongik University, South Korea as a graduate researcher for 2.5 years. Furthermore, he chaired the special sessions at International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology (ICGHIT 2019), held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Jan, 16-18, 2019). Moreover, he is a registered member of the Pakistan Engineering Council and a reviewer for the IEEE Access Journal.

Alireza Tanehkar

An amatur enginner.



Area of Expertise

Analog: Design

Sunkeerth M

Passionate student of electronics and computer engineering

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Shubham Garg

Undergraduate student At Indian Institute of Technology Goa Interested in analog electronics, digital electronics, circuit design

Area of Expertise

Academic: Student

Abdelrahman Rabeh

Digital design engineer Msc Student at cairo university Faculty of Engineering

Andrew Aaron



Area of Expertise

Academic: Student